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Where is my command in RAC2010?
The Evaluation Version of the Revit Architecture 2010 User Interface Help tool for Revit Architecture 2009 users is here. In order to retrieve some of the hosting fees, we are forced to remove some of the functionality in this
evaluation version to encourage users to buy it. The pricing starts with $2!

Buy the fully functional tool in zip format by first registering here and then paying here. 

This interactive tool works similar to Microsoft Office 2007's "Where is my Command?" flash movie. The ZIP file can be unzipped and kept in your network drive and all your users can access it from there! The zip file has two flash movie files along with a HTML file. Run the html file to start.

The dimension of the tool is 1275 x 850 pixels. You might need a high resolution monitor to see the whole user interface.
Please add comments, bugs reports, etc here.


© nicholas iyadurai, 2012,st louis, mo, usa.
Niche: tirunelveli, india.


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